June 06, 2013

The first time is the worst ...

... when making pasta.  Did I not make myself clear?

I'm not a food blogger, or for that matter, a very good cook, but I've always wanted to try my hand at making pasta.  I trawled the internet and found that it was a fairly easy process, but takes a little practice to get it just right.

I used 3/4 cup of all-purpose flour (although I gather that unbleached flour or adding a little semolina is better), and just one egg plus a little kosher salt.  I mixed, I kneaded, I rested (both the pasta and I), then got my other ingredients together.  I figured that since I was making my inaugural bowl of pasta, I should keep the toppings simple and honest.  Thanks to Trader Joes, I had some baby heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil, mozzarella, summer squash and olives.  Add to that some extra virgin olive oil and garlic, and I was ready to try my pasta.

Rolling it out was easy.  I took my time to cut very thin slices - as instructed - and wafted them through the leftover flour.  When I cooked them for a minute or two, I was a little disappointed to see that my supposedly thin cut "spaghetti" looked more like overfed witchetty grubs (an Australian delicacy).  Still, I'd made it lovingly by hand, I couldn't do anything else but eat it.  It tasted okay definitely pasta-esque, if a little al dente.  Not quite so Molte Benne as I'd hoped, but I can see it was a fairly decent first attempt.  Next time, I I'll definitely have to cut the slices thinner - those food bloggers really do know what they're talking about!

Seems I also need to read up on food photography and lighting.  If only work didn't get in the way so much ...

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